Yeovilton 5k

Four AVRs took part in the fourth of the Yeovilton 5k  summer series on Wednesday evening.  Matt Frost was first AVR in 22ndplace in an impressive 18:09 with David Cull securing a PB for his 18:54. Adrian Strawbridge was 53rdfinishing in 20:17, 12th M40, with James Ashforth, 72nd in 22:40.  There were 114 finishers on the night.  There are two more events in the series: Wed 6th and Wed 13th September with entry details here:

Triple celebration at Seaton parkrun

Aileen Heal celebrated her 150th parkrun, her 100th volunteer stint at Seaton, and four years cancer-free at Saturday’s parkrun.  She was joined by friends from the Tu-Tu tribe and was also tail-walker.  Run Director for the day, Susi Sadler presented Aileen with her 100 volunteer hat before the event got underway.

In the event itself Ritchie Durrant led for most of the course but was pipped on the pebbles by tourist, Kieran O’Hara who finished in17:32 with Ritchie just behind in 17:35.  Debbie Whiston was second female in 20:30 and Ron Seward was second on age-grade with 78% for his 22:59.