We are unable to respond individually to all comments/questions so have put together a useful set of FAQs which we will add to regularly between now and the event in March.

Q: I have entered and ended up with two places – what should I do?
A: Please use the change form here with details of who the second runner should be”.Q: Do you hold a waiting list?
A: We don’t operate a waitlist but we do allow change of runners so please keep an eye on the Grizzly 2024 Facebook page for runners who can no longer run the race. In previous years we have found that most runners who didn’t initially receive a place are able to get a place this way.  Change of runners must register the change here

Q: Why has the committee decided against a T shirt for all runners?
A: As you will appreciate given the current uncertainties around Covid we cannot afford to make a large up-front order and then find we are unable to hold the event. In addition like many event organisers we are trying to do our bit for the environment by reducing the carbon footprint of holding the event. We are looking at the option of a locally sourced T shirt for those who want to purchase one online.

Q: If I don’t get a ‘free’ T shirt why is the cost the same?
A: Simply because of upfront costs because of the pandemic and reduced participant numbers (max 2000 as opposed to recent years where we have had 2200+). The Grizzly continues to be incredible value for money when compared with big marathon events. Costs from the majority of our suppliers/service providers have risen dramatically as a result of the pandemic and many of these organisations are no longer able to offer us the discounts that we enjoyed in the past. Also, the continued move to more environmentally friendly products adds to our up-front costs (for example, reusable marshal bibs instead of single use plastic).

Q: Will hoodies, buffs etc be on sale?
A: Grizzly merchandise will be on sale at The Gateway, CASH ONLY

Q: Will there be medals instead of a T shirt
A: Grizzly medals will be given to all finishers.

Q: Why no ballot this year?
A: To keep things simple and because of so many ‘change of runner’ applications in recent years. We are still offering ‘change of runner’ to those unable to run for whatever reason closer to the event date.

Q: Can I enter a team?
A: There’s an option on the online registration form for runners to have more than one person on an entry. After you enter one individual’s details, the system asks if you would like to enter anyone else on the same entry. However bear in mind that it is first come first served so they might need to be quick.

Q: Am I fit enough to run it?
A: Please look at the race details carefully and view the video to look at the type of challenges Grizzly and Cub runners will face. https://www.axevalleyrunners.org.uk/grizzly/race-info/

Q: I’d like to donate my T shirt money
A: You are also welcome to donate to Trees not Tees at: https://treesnottees.com/plant-a-tree/ or, of course, to a charity of your choice

Q: I don’t want to run but I would like to volunteer
A: That is great news. Please email Grizzlyenqs@gmail.com

Finally please remember the Grizzly is organised by a team of volunteers and is non-profit making. We do this on top of many other commitments – work, family, social or voluntary.